Let's be honest. Cleaning sucks: It wastes time, is not fun and it's not easy to remember where items need to go, especially if you are in a relationship or have a sibling with whom you share your room.
So there should be an alternative.
After having analysed the VR ecosystem in Australia and looking at some augmented and mixed reality projects, the CleanAR concept is an approach to solve the burden of cleaning up and tidying a room.

Why CleanAR?
Many people don't have a proper concept when cleaning and thus waste time. The average Australian spend almost 3 hours every week cleaning.
84% of Americans worry that their home isn’t clean or organised enough. 55% within that group even called it out as a source of recent stress.
People are not motivated to clean. According to a survey, 93% of people would do anything else than cleaning like public speaking or a long car ride.
Solution – augmented cleaning
ClearAR allocates items from a messy room and indicates it's position of origin for a stress-free, time-efficient and fun way of cleaning.
Saves time: People can save up to 50% of time compared to their non-organised way of cleaning.
Simple: With CleanAR the cleaner can barely make any mistakes.
Painless: The cleaner doesn't waste time thinking about the place of origin of the scattered items as they get allocated to their proper position. It helps breaking it down into manageable chunks.
Optimisation: Over time, the integrated algorithm learns how a person cleans and can optimise and tailor all features
Fun: Thank to the gamified point reward approach, cleaning feels less like a burden
Applicable for general public: CleanAR could also be used for helping to have a cleaner neighborhood
Stress-free: Thank to the instant cleanliness status update and reminder for when it's time to tidy up, there you won't have to worry about your room not being clean enough.
Target group
CleanAR is pretty much everyone who does't enjoy cleaning and doesn't change the arrangement of their items too often.
Children and teenagers
Businesses and public institutions
Commercial cleaning services
Cleaning in Mixed Reality - How it works
1. Scan your CLEAN room

In order to know where all your belongings like computer, books, chair need to go for a tidy room, put on your smart glasses/ take your phone and scan the room by looking around your room. Items get detected, mapped and saved in you CLEANAR app.
2. PLAY with your items (making a mess allowed)

It's time to play with your ball, work and have the fun of your life. Now, the room is a huge mess.
3) Relocate items efficiently, earn points and be ready in time

CleanAR alerts you with enough time in advance before your girlfriend comes home and you room is still in a pure chaos. CleanAR indicated the state of cleanliness, estimated time to clean and a rewards point system. How often do you pick up items and then put aside, because you didn't know where it needs to go? With CleanAR you don't need to think about that anymore, cause the app will show you instantly where the items needs to be put. Thanks to an algoritm, the smart glassses app groups items that are located close together within the room with the same colour which saves you time. For each item you brought back the the right location, you'll receive a points.
4) Enjoy your clean room

You can use the rest of your time with more important things.
This is only a thought experiment. Technically there are huge limitations such as scanning the items in 360°, the detection of items without a tracking code etc., but rapid advances in similar fields have been made within the past months.
What do you think about CleanAR? Would you use it if it was magically available?
Adhd adult here. Would love this.